Boosterthon Blog

3 Ways to Skyrocket Parent Involvement From Our PTA Leaders

Written by Booster | June 4, 2024

One of the amazing perks of helping thousands of schools fundraise is we have the privilege of getting to know principals, PTA leaders, teachers, parents, and other staff from all different types of schools across the country. And we don’t take that privilege for granted! We listen to their needs, their struggles, and their successes. It helps us do our job better, and it’s valuable information that can help you too!  

One issue that we often hear about is the struggle to increase parent involvement. So, of course, we asked how they overcame this problem! There are three tactics we heard again and again. Read on to learn what they are! (Need some additional volunteer help to fill in the gaps? Booster offers custom service levels, to provide you with the exact support you need.)

  1. Use SignUp Genius. Say good-bye to loose sign-up sheets and messy handwriting. This free website allows you to organize volunteers in time slots, create events, and send reminders so the volunteers you do have can be reminded of what they signed up for and when to show up.
  2. Teachers know the scoop. Rather than just using email or newsletter blasts to attract volunteers or recruit new PTA/PTO members, go directly to the teachers who know their super-involved parents. Reach out to them and let them know you’d like their help or involvement.
  3. Throw a little party. Say you gather some volunteer interest early in the school year. Host a little gathering on or off-campus to say 1) thank you! and 2) gauge individual interest in activities or involvement. This will give you a realistic picture on whether you have a super-crew ready to change the world, or you still need to find a few more parents to keep your school a well-oiled machine.

There you have it—straight from schools just like yours. Try out these three tactics to increase your parent involvement and rock your next school year. And don’t forget, once you get parents involved, make sure you keep them involved! Check out even more tips and tricks on how to manage and retain your volunteers here.